
Where to?

The roof has not yet been blown away by the wind. Lately I have been giving a lot of thought into what exactly should go on these pages following the 3rd anniversary of the roof above my head. Although the main driver behind its initial posts was indeed earthen construction - as well as other natural building technologies - somehow the passive role of simply promoting events, publications and so on, does not seem as fulfilling as before. Not that I think that there is anything wrong with providing this information to readers, however, to be honest, I feel that this should now be complemented with a more personal touch.

In fact, since I initiated my research, my interests have been shifting a bit from looking at earthen building technology as an isolated topic, to embrace all sorts of socio-cultural, economic and environmental implications of its use, particularly in developing countries. Therefore, although the promotion of events is always a good reason to post, in the future I will mostly try to use this platform to critically approach projects, thoughts, ideas, concepts, etc., more in line with the above-mentioned. Hope you enjoy stopping by!

See you soon!

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