
Upcoming courses/workshops

(more courses on the webpage)

Earthen House Design

This class is now two days long

10am-3pm, Feb 26th-27th
Portland, Oregon

Taught by Scott Howard. Participants will design a house of their choice that uses earthen building techniques. With a combination of models, sketches, and drawings, this class will cover the basics of what you need to know to design a small earthen building and how to think like a builder. Discussions and slideshows will cover: passive solar, engineering calculations, drawing/sculpting to scale, designing comfortable human spaces, various earthen building methods, project planning, and permits.

This event will be held at the planet repair headquarters. please see: http://planetrepair.wordpress.com/events/

Tuition = $160 payable to Earthen Hand. Bring your own lunch.

Preregistration is required. Email us at workshops@earthenhand.com. to begin registration.


Cob Oven Workshop in Puerto Rico

February 26th-27th
Taught by Scott Howard and friends. Learn How to build an oven from mostly earthen materials in under two days! Learn the basics of Cob, earthen plasters, and earthen paints. Decorate the oven as a group artwork. Lectures and slideshows as well. Wonderful setting, nice people, great food.

Tuition = $260 payable to Earthen Hand. Includes all meals, camping, indoor showers and bathroom.
Preregistration is required. Email us at workshops@earthenhand.com. to begin registration.


Earthen Paints

- Get Dirty! Create Your Own Earthen Paints

10am- 2pm, March 20th

Portland, Oregon
Taught by Scott Howard. Create durable, beautiful, inexpensive paints to enhance your home. Earthen paints are non-toxic, easy to apply, easy to maintain, and are planet friendly. A great way to cover up drywall. Half the cost of conventional paint. This hands-on class includes explanation of a variety earthen building methods.

Tuition = $70 payable to Earthen Hand. Bring your own lunch.
Preregistration is required. Email us at workshops@earthenhand.com. to begin registration.


Earthbag Building Basics

at the Portland Healing Arts Resource Project

10am-4pm, March 26th-27th

Portland, Oregon
Taught by Scott Howard and friends. Learn How to build walls using the Earthbag technique, a form of rammed earth. Although much faster than Cob wall construction, the end result can look identical. Learn a bit about Cob and earthen plasters as well. We will be building a small Kiln House at The Portland Healing Arts Resource Project. Pdx HARP is dedicated to heightening awareness of our local resources and empowering the community with knowledge, to help each of us to relearn that our health is in our hands.
Tuition = $220 payable to Earthen Hand. Includes lunches.

Preregistration is required. Email us at workshops@earthenhand.com. to begin registration.


via: Earthenbuilt.com

2011 Construction internship - Canada
This will be a very exciting year for Earthen Built! Come be a part of it.
Our goal is to offer a comprehensive program that will empower our interns and give them the confidence they need to continue on with and move forward in natural building and homesteading skills. With workshops and guest teachers brought in through the season, this Natural Building and Homesteading Internship is sure to provide many great opportunities for learning and gaining hands-on experience.

We are enriched as individuals and as a culture through every connection we make outside of ourselves. Through developing skills and knowledge that deepen our connection to the land we live on, the home we live in, and the community we are a part of, we are strengthening our joint efforts in enriching life for all.

Areas to be covered:
Be prepared for a grand variety of opportunities in both building and homesteading.
Some areas that will be covered include, and not limited to:

light clay infill
sculpture and artistic embellishments
clay and lime plasters
group design projects
exposure to animal care: sheep, chickens, turkeys, pigs, and ducks
organic gardening with permaculture skills
aquaculture installation
food forest installation
market gardening
bee keeping
food precessing, preservation, and fermentation
bread baking
taking the farm to the market
communication and team work
Time Commitment:

The majority of the internship program will focus on natural building, with about 1/3 of the time being given to the other aspects of life on the farm. There is some flexibility available to accommodate the learning desires of individuals as passions are discovered.

6 Month Option

Arrive Tuesday April 12th
Orientation April 12th – 14th
Kick-start with Mandala Garden Workshop April 15th – 17th
Regular programming begins Tue April 19th
Ending Celebration Wed. Oct. 12th
Departures Thur. Oct. 13th
3 Month Option
Arrive Wednesday May 18th
Orientation May 18th-20th
Kick-start with Country Cook-off May 21st-22nd
Regular programming begins Tue May 24th
Ending Celebration Mon. Aug. 15th
Departures Tue. Aug. 16th

Cost:3 Month Option: $ 5,100
6 Month Option: $ 10,100

Most of the workshops are available at no extra cost to interns. There may be some special workshops with guest teachers that may be extra.
Field trips to visit other natural buildings and farms in the area are included in the fees.
The PDC is not included in the internship, though interns will be given a discounted rate.
Some work-trade may be available based on need.

If this sounds like you and you are interested in taking this program, please don’t hesitate to send us an email requesting an application form. Click here to go directly to the contact page.

via: Aprovecho
Natural Building Apprenticeship
Oregon, USA

Spring Session 2/28-6/1, Summer Session 7/25-11/3
The Natural Building Apprenticeship Program (NBAP) is a three month work-study designed for the beginner in natural building. Time is spent between work, hands-on instruction, and independent study. The participant will receive exposure to the wide gamut of techniques that natural building has to offer.


via: Laboa.org

workshop - "BUILDING WITH STRAW BALE from design to construction" - Italy

5th March 2011 - 9.30am - 5.30pm
Lambrugo (CO) in the multipurpose room of VillaMalvina

€ 150 includes teaching, course materials, coffee breaks and lunch vegetarian.

All members will be given the book "Building with straw bales" B. Jones
For information on courses: casadipaglia@hotmail.com

via: Canelo project
StrawBale Comprehensive - taught by Bill & Athena Steen
Arizona, Canelo community

April 16-23, 2011
(7pm Saturday- 3pm Saturday)

cost $795 (includes lunches)
This week long course is intended for anyone seriously considering building a straw bale house. It is appropriate for those who want to do most of it by themselves or who would like to be well enough informed to make intelligent decisions during the design and build process. It will help each person define an approach that is uniquely based on his or her skill level, available time and resources.  
Course Topics Include:

Bale Wall Systems
Roofs & Foundations
Doors & Windows
Moisture Issues
Pinning Options
Electrical & Plumbing
Interior Walls
Cob & Light/Clay Straw
Wall Finishes
Earth & Lime Plaster
Small - Efficient Design
Straw Bale Home Tour

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