
Spontaneous Architecture Challenge: Rebuild Haiti

A Good Magazine lançou uma competição que tem como tema "Reconstruir o Haiti", através da qual se esperam encontrar soluções viáveis e criativas para ajudar o Haiti nesta complicada tarefa que é a de devolver a vida aos edifícios destruídos pelo desastroso terremoto.
Deixo aqui parte das instruções contidas no website dacompetição.

"Participants in February's Spontaneous Architecture competition are invited to take this question seriously, enacting a response onto the site included below. The site includes multiple institutions and social, economic, and governmental infrastructures as well as residential areas and open space parks currently being used as campsites for those in need of housing. Participants are asked to consider one or all of the institutions present and can operate on the entire site or a specific portion thereof. Responses can be strategic, organizational, institutional, and/or architectural."

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